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Sick Days

Scattered Squirrel: Sick Days

December 18, 2012

Sick Days

Hi everyone, how are you all doing?  I hope this post finds all of you healthy and well.  Sorry for the lack of posts this week, you see I got hit with a nasty cold that's sapped all of my energy.  To say it has not been fun, is a gross understatement!  And today I've got a sick, little, boy at home with me.  I was really hoping Liam wouldn't catch this one, but he did!  He seems to be going through it faster than I did though.  It took about three days for me to go from coughing and being slightly stuffed up to full blown fever, chest congestion, joint and muscle aches and pains, and the inability to breathe through my nose.  Liam started coughing yesterday and today he's at the fever stage, so I'm holding out hope that he'll be well enough to go to school for Friday when they're having their special Christmas crafting morning, especially since he's missing out on building gingerbread houses today at school.  

For today I'm going to concentrate on snuggling my poor little guy, and trying to get us both feeling better soon.  I'm thinking lots of movies, stories and snuggles, some chicken noodle soup and ginger ale might be just what the doctor ordered today!  And since tummies seem to be the only thing not effected by this cold, maybe some jelly beans to add a dash of fun!

I do have some printables to share this week, as well as pictures of our tree, but those will have to wait until later.  For now, I'm off.  Christmas is coming up fast and I don't want any of us to be sick for it.

Does your family have any go to items for comfort on sick days?  Do you tend to drop everything when your little ones are unwell to focus on making them feel better?



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