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Home Management Binder: Home Maintenance

Scattered Squirrel: Home Management Binder: Home Maintenance

May 16, 2012

Home Management Binder: Home Maintenance

After all the upheaval of the last week, it's great to be slowly sinking back into a semblance of normal!  I'm super excited to get back to working on the revamp of my HMB, and even more excited to be sharing it with you.

The section I'm working on this week is going to be the Home Maintenance section, I'm thinking I might call this section Home Care.  That title seems to fit better on a divider label.  Getting the house all ready for showing, and doing the first round of packing is what really spearheaded the desire to change up the old HMB, especially this section.  Often times I found myself wondering "when was the last time I did this?"  or "I could have sworn I did this recently, how did it get so dirty in such a short time?"  The not knowing when I last did those oddball tasks that are more seasonal or annual was really bugging me.

I've been toying with a system for this, one that will work with my scattered brain, and allow me to keep track and stay on top of these relatively little things.  (I say relative, because really, they don't take THAT much time to do.  If you do them often enough, they take no time at all.)

So, I'm going to start off my Home Care Section with a planner for all those tasks.  I wanted to find an easy to use system that would allow me to record and track the home maintenance tasks that only crop up every couple months or so, and after much back and forth to the drawing board, I think I finally came up with one that works for me - my Indoor Home Maintenance yearly check list.  What a mouthful!!!

printable checklist home maintenance

I started by creating boundaries for myself, or I could have made this into a much bigger job than it needed to be.  Firstly, I limited the area to the indoors.  Our outdoor maintenance needs will be changing, but most of what I need to do inside will pretty much stay the same.  Then I listed out everything that needs to be done less than once a month.  I included things like checking the smoke alarms, flipping and rotating mattresses etc...  I noted how often I felt these things needed to be done, double checked some of our owner's manuals, and created the simple little check list you see above.  When I turn a new calendar page I can easily schedule the tasks into a non-busy week.  As you can see, most of the items on there won't take too much time to do, especially if they're done often.

And there you have it, my Indoor Home Maintenance yearly check list.  And, as always, simply click the caption below the picture to snag a copy of your own!

Sorry for the lateness of the hour, but I really wanted to get this posted today.  I hope you all had a wonderful day, a fantastic evening night, and a great morning (if you're reading this tomorrow)

How do you keep from having a "When did I last do this?" moment?  Do you have a system for keeping track of all the once in a while things that can sometimes get overlooked in our day to day lives?

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At October 3, 2012 at 4:16 AM , Blogger 0s0-Pa said...

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