Now, when you click on the Printables tab you're taken to a page with JUST the printables on it. Right now, all of them are on the one page (lots of scrolling, sorry), but I'm looking into making drop down menus so that I can organize them for easier browsing.
Click on the title of the Printable (see above) and it will take you to the Google Drive where you can print or download.
It seems like a lot of the printables go to this screen. I've tried reloading them onto Google Drive, but it doesn't seem to help. If you click the printer icon you'll see a preview of the printable and you'll also be able to print. To download the files, Click File then Download.
I'm still looking into how to make these work better. I've checked out a few sites that allow free downloads, but many of them require you to have a membership to download, and I don't like that. Right now, Blogger doesn't appear to allow downloads direct from the blog, but I'm looking into that option too.
For now though, I hope this helps you access the printables more easily. I've also triple checked all the links, and everything is working as it should (with the exception of the previews, and I'm still working on that one) hopefully any of the kinks and issues that were cropping up are fixed now.
Happy Printing Everyone!
New follower from the OMF Link party. I love your printables.
Hi Liz, welcome!
I'm so glad you like the printables, I have so much fun putting them together and it's so nice to hear that they are being enjoyed.
I hope you'll enjoy this little ole blog of mine!
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