I read a lot! As in, normally, I've got a couple of books on the go, plus I spend at least 2 hours a day reading online. Whether it's some of the fabulous blogs out there, tutorials, news, emails ... I like to read! (I think it's moved passed obsession into addiction, but there are worse things one could be addicted too!) One of the great things about reading, is finding those gems of resource. Those sites or books that are full of useful information; ones you turn to for inspiration or to help find motivation. Lately, I've had organizing the home on my brain, more than usual, which is saying alot, because I think about this often. So, I thought I would carry on with that train of thinking and share with you some of my favourite books for organizing the home. Here they are in order of what I have, what I've read and want, and what I've heard is good, but haven't had the chance to read.
First up, is "House Works" by Cynthia Townley Ewer of OrganizedHome.com
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It's a great book full of a wonderful mix of organizing and cleaning tips. "House Works" would make a great gift for someone just starting a home of their own, or for someone looking to make changes to their own home. Tons of ideas, and you can find even more over on the website OrganizedHome.com This one is in my own library, and I find I look through it when I'm tweaking systems or trying to get a new idea on how to solve an organizing dilemma.
Next up, is a book I've read and loved. It's topping my list of Must Purchase books. It's titled "Clutter Rehab" by Laura Wittmann.
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You might know her as the fabulous blogger over on "I'm and Organizing Junkie!" If you haven't checked out her site yet, I strongly recommend you do. It is full of wonderful ideas, great tips, fantastic advice, and oodles and oodles of information. This book was great! I seriously need to pick up a copy to have, here, at my finger tips. The book is full of information, tips, and quick little things you can do to not just get organized, but to stay organized.
Next up is my final selection for this post. It's a book I've heard wonderful things about. I've flipped through it in stores, and really, am just waiting to get my new library card before checking it out. I give you...
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As I said above, I've heard some great things about this book, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. If any of you have, please share your thoughts on it in the comments. I love the RealSimple website, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to like the book, and I can't wait to check it out.
And there you have it. My "have", "want" and "must check out" picks for Home Organizing reference books.
Do you have a go to book for Home Organizing? Have you heard of any that you can't wait to read? Have any suggestions for other ones I should check out? I'd love to hear about them!!!!
* All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not compensated in anyway for writing this post, or for including these books. All of the links in this post link back to the authors, their websites, or both. For information on where to buy them, either check with your local book store, or click on through to the other website for links to where to buy. *
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