
June 28, 2012

What Works for You: Home Office Part 3

Remember those questions I talked about in the first post (here) and then again in the second post (here)?  Well, this is where we bring it all together.  We take those answers and lists and create a home "office" that works for us!

Start by taking a look at where you typically work in your home.  Is that space working for you?  Is it easy to accomplish what you set out to do?  If not, take some time to think about where in your home you would like to have an office.   If you're like me, and you don't really have the space to set up a desk, it's time to think a little outside the box.  Here are a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing:

No Room?  What about a Closet?

Cloffice from iHeart Organizing

Jen from iHeart Organizing turned half her master closet into an incredibly functional, storage packed office space.  You can hop on over to her blog here and check out, not just this project, but the tons of other projects she's shared.  Her site is FULL of amazing information, inspiration and organizational ideas.

Maybe you don't have a spare closet, or you do, but it's just not something that floats your boat, or it's in the wrong room or what have you ... how about squeezing an office into an armoire?  

Armoire Office from Making it Too Perfect

Katie from Making It Too Perfect condensed her office into one armoire!  How fabulous is that?   You can hop on over to her blog here to get all the details.  You have to check out the before and afters for this project!!!

Source: BHG

Better Homes and Gardens is a vault of inspiration for re-purposed armoires!  When looking for inspiration, you cannot go wrong browsing through their site!

But, maybe you don't want or need that much space.  Perhaps all you need is a place to keep your files, and maybe a few odds and ends.  What about a storage ottoman or a trunk?

Filing Trunk from PB&J Stories

Pamela from PB&J Stories turned an old trunk into a filing cabinet that works for her.  Hop on over to her blog here to see the transformation.  You might want to grab a drink of your choice and settle in for a while, because she has some AMAZING stuff on her blog!

Ottoman File Storage from BHG

BHG shows a great way to hide away your files until you need them.  As I said above, it is a great site for finding inspiration!

Maybe something a little more portable would work for you.  These next pictures are great options if you like work in different areas of your home, or like me, you work in the dining room and need to be able to put your stuff away for meal times, or would like to hide it away when company comes a calling.

Office Cart from BHG

Office Cart from Real Simple

Storing your often used items on a cart is a great way to create a portable office space.  These two options from BHG and Real Simple are great examples of packing in storage and function into a small and versatile space.

Maybe something smaller would work better, why not try an office tote?

Office in a Tote by BHG

Another BHG find. But a great idea for those who just need a little space for often used files and items.  You could work from anywhere with something like this!

So, even if you don't have a room to dedicate to a home office, or even if you do, but want to keep your home management stuff separate from your other office tasks, there is a an option and idea out there for you!  It's a matter of figuring out what YOU need in a home office, and coming up with a solution that works for you.

I'm sorry this post turned out to be so long and picture heavy.  I just kept finding more and more great ideas for "offices"  and I just had to share them with you.   There's more to come.... but as I just scrolled up and realized just how LONG this post already is, I think I'll save the rest for tomorrow.

Did any of the pictures inspire you to create or tweak an office space?  Anyone else in awe of all the fabulous ideas out there?

I hope you'll check back tomorrow!  Until then, I wish you all a fantastic day!!!!

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